The Pros & Cons of Not Using Toilet Paper

People thought I was nuts when I said goodbye to toilet paper nearly 3 years ago. But having a no-toilet paper system began just like all my other weird quirks: seeking to simplify and reduce what doesn’t add value.

Now I’m not saying toilet paper doesn’t add value, toilet paper is great! But what if I told you I found something better?

Some people may disagree, but I have found a forever love of using a bidet (once I got the hang of it). No more having to put my hands anywhere near poo, no more smearing with dry tissue, no more paper waste…

Ok, that might be a bit TMI - but you get what I mean…
There is so much magic in eliminating toilet paper when eliminating!

Here are some of the benefits, PROS:

  • Fast cleaning - Forget wiping over and over and over again. The spray is efficient and effective.

  • Super clean! - Just like stepping out of the shower every time.

  • Avoid accidentally poking your fingers through dry, rough paper (you know you’ve done it).

  • Reduce your grocery bill.

  • Reduce paper and plastic waste.

And here are some of the downsides, CONS:

  • Water mess - in the beginning you might be cleaning up some water sprays around the toilet. 😆

  • Extra Towel Laundry - having single-use towel wipes adds about 20 minutes per week to my laundry routine for a family of four. Some people have personal hand towels they re-use and hang near their toilet. You can opt for this option if you prefer.

  • Boil or Bleach - I’m a clean freak, so I prefer to boil or bleach these towels (just in case…) if you boil it adds another 20 minutes and additional spin/dry cycle to the routine, and if you bleach well - that’s not great for mother nature. But I believe the effects of either to be much less than the amount of resources and waste toilet paper takes and creates.

  • Wakes you up at night - this is a weird one I didn’t expect… but if you don’t hook the bidet up to warm water (ours has the ability but isn’t hooked up) the cold splash on your rear can cause you to become alert in your sleepy state. 😳I simply used toilet paper as an exception for the midnight potty run. Eventually I was able to let go of the habit.

  • Getting Spoiled! - The only other downside to the bidet is that you start to become a bidet snob. Going to public restrooms or restrooms in other people’s homes become a less favorable experience.

Hopefully you’ve got some idea of why I prefer having a no-toilet paper system. Try it out and you might find yourself equally surprised! I’d love to hear your thoughts and conversations about this topic.

Until next time,
~ MJ

ALL, HEALTHMJ GordonComment