Are You Telling Yourself the Biggest Lie?

There’s a lie we’ve been told that many of us, including myself, have believed or still believe is true. It’s the biggest lie that sets us up for disappointment and dissatisfaction. And that lie is:

You can and deserve to have it all.

When we first hear that we can have it all, we’re inclined to respond with a “Hell yeah! Why not?”

When we pursue having it all, we actually end up with nothing. This is because the truth is we can’t have it all. Everything in our lives, from the friends that we have to the things that we own costs us. Not just in money, but in limited resources such as our time, attention, and energy…

When you deplete the quality of those resources from the very things that contribute to your happiness and fulfillment, it feels like you’ve given up or don’t have the most important things.

That’s no way to live.
And that’s why we have to face the biggest lie with the biggest truth:

I can’t have it all. My time and resources are limited, so I must identify and choose wisely the things I entertain having in my every day life.

It’s important to have self awareness, and self awareness comes from consistently listening to your inner self when you do something, like splurge on Amazon, and feel guilt. That guilt is telling you, “I did something that wasn’t aligned with my core goals and values.”

That guilt knows deeper than you’re current state of consciousness that you just gave up something that was important to you… future time, potential, opportunity, freedom… Even if it’s the freedom to stay out of debt or the opportunity to spend the money on something more rewarding.

Every time we make a choice, we are choosing it over something else.

Be sure what you are choosing, is above all other options. At the same time, accept that sometimes we have to make unintentionally wrong choices to learn more self awareness. Key word: unintentional.

At the end of the day, when you prioritize the things you value and are more important to you, above the things that are instantly satisfying, you end up with the experience that you have it all… because essentially you do.

You have all that you need to live happy and free.
The rest of what you don’t have - doesn’t matter.

ALL, MINDSETMJ GordonComment