Hey ya’ll! It’s been a while, and 2021 has been quite a diverse year for everyone. I think most of us can agree it was an upgrade from 2020, but there were still quite a few things to navigate through; whether it’s a new job, new business, new home, a new family member, or a number of new things we’ve experienced over the past year.

I want to talk about how you can make the most for yourself this upcoming year. I know there are so many things you have to look forward to, if only certain things would stop getting in the way. I know you know you have the ability to accomplish them, if you only had the time and energy. And I know how very important these things are to you. I don’t want you to find yourself at the end of this year feeling like you’re not much further than where you were last year and yet again, another year has passed not manifesting or accomplishing your goals. No. This year is going to be much different. Let’s talk about how to set yourself up for success.

The first thing you have to do is get clear on what are your top priorities for 2022. If you’re like me, you have a tendency to list out ALL the things you want to improve and address. But the truth is, in order to truly master one specific topic or accomplish one big goal - you have to have laser focus. So be sure to select one or two things you want to get focused on, and make that the priority this year.

Next, let go of all the BS that doesn’t matter. Even if it does, just a little bit, if it’s not supporting or progressing you towards your goals, let it go, at least temporarily. If you can reflect on 2021 and highlight the top 5 things that got in your way or held your time up, what was it? And could you eliminate it? If not, can you turn the dial way down on it?

Another thing I encourage you to let go of is any drama or fears that tend to consume your thoughts regularly. Sometimes there are things that just cannot be solved and instead, require acceptance. I love Mo Gawdat’s solve for happy equation: Is it true? Is there something I can do about it? If not, accept it. Arriving to these conclusions sooner than later can save years of time, over a lifetime, in conflict.

Once you’ve cut out the major distractions from your life, you need to get purposeful about the things you’re spending your time and energy on. You may need to take care of certain responsibilities even though they do take up time. But purposeful action allows you to find ways that are either more efficient or automatic.

Did you know anything you spend 5 minutes per day on costs you over 30 hours every year? That’s literally over a whole day of your life! Taking the time to quantify each minute you spend is bound to reveal some gapping holes in your time. For example, I usually spend about 5 minutes per day sweeping the floors of the house. This year I finally picked up a Roomba that cost me $300 dollars. I still have to sweep once per week, but I just saved myself over 25 hours per year. 25 hours per year of my time is TOTALLY worth an initial investment of $300! Especially if the robot lasts more than one or two years. It is definitely worth taking inventory of what you need to do and what you can do to save time for yourself.

The last step is to put the plan to action. Taking all the things we’ve discussed into consideration is just the preliminary preparations necessary to take action. Create realistic time goals for yourself and revisit this process as often as necessary to refine and expedite your journey. If you do everything we’ve talked about today, you’ll find 2022 will bring you such amazing results. I’m excited to see how it works out for you!

Feel fee to leave me a comment and let me know how it goes!
Until next time…

- MJ