1 Step to Increase your Health, Happiness, and Success

If you could do one simple thing each day that would change your life for the better would you do it? In this interview with Karl Staib, author of Bring Gratitude, we talk about how diving deep into gratitude can improve your health, happiness, and success. All it takes is one step… But that step will change your life forever.

It was something that saved Karl’s life.

Gratitude changes the chemicals in your brain, it creates a physiological result that effects your brain, your hormones, the way that you feel, and your overall perspective in life. Focusing on the negative or the things that are stressing us narrows our perception to a reality that isn’t totally true. It’s only partially true because it’s omitting the abundance of positive.

If it feels easier for you to focus on what’s bothering you this is because we’re hardwired to search for the negative, it’s what helped us survive. But it’s important to have understanding and grace with yourself. We are no longer primitive beings and we have the ability to choose how we respond and then take action.

Gratitude creates space…

…between you and the negative feeling allows you to conserve your time and energy by encouraging us to shift our focus towards clear thinking and identifying things that add value to us in the moment and in our overall definition of life.

Although gratitude is simple, you can take this practice to a whole new level, bringing the results in your life to a whole new level. Karl has developed a technique called S.O.A.R. that helps guide you through the four stages of gratitude, you can get that here. And he dives deeper into how gratitude applies to moments of stress, fatigue, depression, and anxiety in our interview as well as his book Bring Gratitude.

I am truly grateful to have the opportunity to share this interaction with you. There is always something so humbling and fulfilling connecting with high vibe individuals who share their wisdom in order to enrich your mindset and your life.

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!