I see you over there… Working hard, pushing hard, you’re dong a great job! I know you may not feel like it at the moment, maybe you feel like its not enough or you wish you could do more. Do you find yourself questioning if t his it, your max capacity? My hope is by the end of this post you’ll have a few new ideas on how to re-calibrate in order to have a healthy work life balance scenario. Because, I have a feeling you could not only use the balance in your life but I know you can so much more!

So you want more energy, time and balance in your life?

Let’s talk about the energy automation wheel.

 It consists of 3 elements:

1.     Work

2.     Resonation

3.     Enjoyment

The goal is to have balance in these three areas of your life.

Most of us tend to be over worked! Spending at least 90% of our time in this element! The remaining 10% typically goes towards errands, picking up the kids, cleaning the house, preparing for the next day and this still feels like work!

We tend to be good at working hard and playing hard leaving no time for restoration!

All of these things take energy out of our lives so if we are not taking time to restore that energy then we are going to feel depleted!

This goes for those of you that feel you don’t do much with your life, your schedule is pretty easy but you’re still feeling burnt out all the time, you’re exhausted, waking up tired all the time and find it hard to enjoy life. This is because you are missing the 3rd part of the wheel RESTORAION!

So how do we restore?

Imagine your energy as money. If you’re looking to get more money you typically do 1 of 2 things, or preferably both, you either save or invest your money.

 ·      SAVE = Rest & Relaxation

·      INVEST = Movement (this creates return of investment or more energy)

So in order to restore we need to take our time and we need to save and invest. To save we need to take time every single day to rest and relax. Make Time For This! Get to bed on time, take 5 minutes every 30-60 minutes to deep breath. Then invest your time into things that are going to return your investment, things like movement, if you need some inspiration try out The 5-minute MOVE challenge; this is going to create more energy. If you can manage your energy then you can manage your time and if you can mange your time you can be more productive, more fulfilled, you’re going to get more done and enjoy your time more!

I hope the time you just invested in reading this post has left you feeling more energized and inspired to find more balance in your life.

 Until next time,