How Minimalism Accelerates your Dreams


“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don't need to escape from.” -Seth Godin


Abundance flows in and out in multiple different ways and the most common vehicle that you may be familiar with is setting a goal, setting an intention, then do whatever it takes to make it happen. I call to call this, “Making it Happen.” But there's way that has been tried and true… And I would be lying to say that it doesn’t exist in my life. Whether it is science based or not, it is something that has rendered better results for me. And that vehicle is the “Law of attraction”.

I believe that the Law of Attraction is about setting forth an intention and moving forward with that intent to draw upon resources, experiences, and open doors to make or manifest the situation to occur. What I've experienced using this in my life, is that oftentimes things end up happening much better than I originally planned… I believe, largely because of the openness, positivity and idealism that comes with this type of mindset.

I want to be clear that this has nothing to do with doing nothing, wishing and hoping until the fairy Godmother appears. This is completely different. The Law of Attraction is about being open, fluid, and flexible, whereas “Making It Happen” is about being decided dedicated and consistent. Neither vehicle is wrong, but they're both very different.

I have hundreds of endless stories that are life altering and completely unexplainable due to the Law of Attraction. But what I noticed is there is a process or similar flow of life that I had in every single “dream come true” moment I've experienced. It comes down to minimalism. Reflecting, it seems minimalism helped enhance and make the law of attraction work. If I had not been practicing these deeper philosophies of minimalism, I don't think these results would've happened.

There are four ways I've seen extreme similarities in all these occurrences in my life, and they've all been rooted in minimalism…

#1 Intention

In minimalism, the first and foremost question is: What is your intent? What is important to you? What adds value to you?

When you focus on something intrinsic, the real root of what's going make you happy, healthy, or contribute to something positive in life, this allows you to focus achieve a good result. Regardless of what happens, the result good because it is rooted in an intention that is aligned with your values and priorities.

#2 Reduced Distractions

When distractions are removed, you’re able to focus. You can go through life excited with this new intention and idea. It’s not like a specific goal or to-do list, it’s new inspiration that you’re open to and moving towards.

Having this type of focus is extremely simple when you aren’t bogged down with a bunch of other things that require your obligated attention. 

|#3 Alignment

When you practice minimalism, things are simple. And when things are simple you are able to be open and flow through inspirations with ease. You are able to have more awareness towards opportunities, inspirations, creative thinking. You have space to take action.

When things are complicated, things are more stressful. Even if you feel a creative notion, it often feels like another thing stacked on the to-do list or an inspiration that fades because there are so many other primary things to have to get to.

#4 Patience
Moving through minimalism inspires you to prioritize the most important things in your life. With this, you already are moving towards your ideal results. Life is already full of fulfillment and value. This gives you the ability to have more patience and less attachment to your inspirations. There’s no rush because you’re already moving in that direction.

It doesn’t mean you aren’t set on allowing it to manifest… it just means you’re not so attached to the result. Ultimately, you want to be happy. If that happiness can be found today with what you currently have, it’s only sweeter when you find happiness in some of your dreams coming true. But also, less of a disappointment if they don’t or something different, or better were to occur.

This is what living your Everyday Vacation is all about!

When you focus on letting go, removing the excess, creating life on your terms becomes easy. As soon as you embrace the power of minimalism and the law of attraction things you intend will being to draw into your life, create for my life with more ease and less stress. That’s monumental.

MJ GordonComment